18Feb 2017


  • Research Officer Regional Ayurveda Research Institute for Nutritional Disorders, Mandi, H.P.
  • Assistant Director and Research Officer Regional Ayurveda Research Institute for Nutritional Disorders, Mandi, H.P.
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In Ayurveda,Ahar(food) is considered as one of a major tripod of life. As per Ayurveda a good diet consist of all six rasa and are taken in proper sequence of Madhurafollowed by Amla, Lavana, Katu, Tiktaand Kashaya. Dhamis a popular traditional feast of Himachal Prasdesh (H.P.), which is a good example of complete food as per Ayurveda having all six rasa and is served in proper sequence. The dish composed of a sweet (boondikameetha) followed by SepuBadi, kaddukakhatta, kolkakhatta, mahkidaaland in the end of diet jhol. Served in pattal(plates made of leaves ofTaur -bauhinia vahli) which have good antioxidant properties. The preservation method used in the region of ingredients of dham is also traditional as no chemical is used. All these make up dhama complete diet in terms of Ayurveda and also in terms of nutrition. Present study deals with various Ayurveda and scientific aspects of dhamand its importance.

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[Sumeet Goel, Deepshika Arya, Vineeta Negi, Vikas Nariyal, Prashant Shinde and Om Raj Sharma. (2017); DHAM (TRADITIONAL FEAST OF MANDI IN HIMACHAL PRADESH) A COMPLETE FOOD WITH AYURVEDA PERSPECTIVE. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (Feb). 389-393] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Sumeet Goel
RARIND, Unit of CCRAS, Mandi H.P.


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/3162      
DOI URL: https://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/3162