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Carica papaya Linn belonging to family Caricacece .The properties of papaya fruit and other parts of the plant are also well known in traditional system of medicine. Papaya possess excellent medicinal properties for treatment of different ailments. The different parts of the Carica papaya plant including leaves, seeds, latex and fruit exhibited to have medicinal value. The stem, leaf and fruit of papaya contain plenty of latex. The latex from unripe papaya fruit contain enzymes papain and chymopapain. Background;- there is no background Method;- there is no method because its foused on review on Carica papaya plant. Result;- There is no result because it is a review article on Carica papaya Conculsion;-this review focuses on different properties of papaya as a multi-faceted plant. Papaya is commonly known for its food and nutritional values throughout the world.
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[Anjali pal and Avijit mazumder. (2017); CARICA PAPAYA, A MAGIC HERBAL REMEDY. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (Jan). 2626-2635] (ISSN 2320-5407).