- Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, College of Applied Medical Sciences, Taif University, KSA.
- Lecturer at Faculty of Physical Therapy, Misr University for Sciences and Technology, Egypt.
- Lecturer at Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University, Egypt.
- Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery, College of Medicine, Umm al-Qura University, KSA.
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Down\'s syndrome (DS) is the most recognized congenital, autosomal anomaly associated with delayed physical and mental development. Adults with DS have shown decreased bone mass compared with their normal peers. Purposes of the study were to 1) compare the BMD in children and adolescents with Down\'s syndrome with the normal peers at Taifprovince 2) estimate the age of onset of osteoporosis and so guard against any complications.Methods: forty boys with DS assigned into GI and GII and forty normal boys assigned into GIII and GIV participated in this study. The DS subjects were trisomy 21 and selected from different special schools and institutions within Taifprovince. The age of the GI and GIII ranged from 7-10 years and for GII and GIV ranged from 14-18 years. Bone mineral density Z-score (BMD Z-score) for the whole body was measured by using BMD testing apparatus (dual X-ray absorptiometry). Age, weight, height and body mass index were matched and compared. Results:there was a significant decrease in whole body BMD-Z score in children and adolescents with DS when compared with their normal peers. In addition, there was significant decrease in GI Z- score when compared with GII. Conclusion and recommendations:the osteoporotic changes present in DSat the young age and deteriorate with aging. The acquisition of high bone mass during the childhood and adolescents is an important factor in preventing osteoporosis in later life. So, weight bearing exercises and physical activities should be promoted in children and adolescents with DS.
[Hatem H. Allam, Lamiaa K.Elsayyad and Afnan M. Alkhairi. (2016); BONE MINERAL DENSITY IN CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS (WITH AND WITHOUT DOWN\'S SYNDROME)IN KSA: A COMPARATIVE STUDY. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 4 (Nov). 704-710] (ISSN 2320-5407).