- Dr. Prasad’s DCRC, Kenichira, Wayanad, Kerala, India.
- Genetika, Centre for Advanced Genetic Studies, Trivandrum-695024, Kerala, India.
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To maintain health and to tackle lifestyle disease, blending of endurance, resistance and aerobic exercise is much better than walking. In walking only a few muscles are working. Because of the absence of glucose-6-phosphatase enzyme in skeletal muscles, glucose stored as glycogen in a muscle cannot be shared by other muscles for energy. So, while walking only a very small quantity of glucose will be burned out as energy. If it burn whole daily dietary intake by exercising whole muscles, maximum glucose can be burned out and for extra energy triglycerides will be used. Reduction in triglycerides will reduce the penetrating power of LDL cholesterol and foam cell formation will be blocked. Increased HDL due to exercise enables plaque stabilization and regression. Increased blood flow achieved will prevent aging, onset and complications of lifestyle diseases and blood pressure. Regular exercise should be a habit (atleast 30 mins), otherwise adherence rate will be less. For lifestyle disease patients regular exercise is mandatory. Exercise will reduce insulin resistance and increase insulin sensitivity. Pre exercise carbohydrate meal will release more insulin through incretin effect. This insulin will refill the energy depleted muscles with glucose, while doing exercise. This will increase the efficiency of exercise. Post exercise carbohydrate + protein meal will enable prompt glycogen synthesis and positive protein balance. Increased blood flow to all parts of the body will reduce hypertension, prevent all the complications of diabetes and will maintain a very good lipid profile.
[Prasad MV, Mohsina Hyder, Smilty Benny and Dinesh Roy D. (2016); WALKING AS AN INCOMPLETE EXERCISE FOR METABOLIC SYNDROME: PHYSIOLOGICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL OVERVIEW Int. J. of Adv. Res. 4 (Oct). 1867-1876] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com