- MuglaS?tk? KocmanUniversity, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Mugla, Turkey.
- Istanbul Gelisim University, Department of Sport Management, Istanbul, Turkey.
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The purpose of the study is evaluating the use of the new media by sports clubs as a means of corporate communication under the umbrella of public relation activities of these clubs, which are always the topic of the visual and written media every day,and which create commercial values with their income sources and supporters/customers. The universe of the study consists of all the sports clubs in Turkey. The starting point of the study consists of the report released by the website socialbakers.com, which conducts statistical analyses in the field of new media, giving the number of the followers of the sports clubs in Turkey in Facebook. In this context, the sampling of the study consists of the media accounts of the three sports clubs in Turkey, which have the most followers in the new media, Galatasaray, Be?ikta?andFenerbahçe.In examining the social network accounts, the grading method used in study with the title “Election Campaigning on the WWW in the US and the UK: A Comparative Analysis”. At the end of the study it was determined that the clubs cared more for the social media. It was also determined that the clubs cared for their Facebook and Twitter accounts more, and these accounts were updated every day except for the LinkedIn andYouTubeaccounts.
[Ali Gurel GOKSEL and M. Zahit SERARSLAN. (2016); EVALUATING THE CORPORATE COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES OF SPORTS CLUBS IN THE NEW MEDIA Int. J. of Adv. Res. 4 (Aug). 607-614] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com