- Associate Professor, School of Commerce, RVS College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore.
- Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, SNR Sons College,Coimbatore.
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Micro-finance interventions are well-recognized world over as an effective tool for poverty alleviation and improving socioeconomic status of rural poor. In India too, micro-finance is making headway in its effort for reducing poverty and empowering rural women. Micro-finance through the network of cooperatives, commercial banks, regional rural banks, NABARD and NGO’s has been largely supply-driven and a recent approach. Micro finance is provided to all unemployed to have self-employment. The SHGs are provided with adequate loan for the development of the SHGs in all possible ways. The members of the self-help groups are given support and advice even for marketing their products. An attempt has been made to study the role of micro fiancé in women empowerment in Namakkal District. The socio economic status of the members of SHGs and the level of satisfaction of the members in SHGs regarding the support extended by the government and banks through Micro finance in Namkkal district were identified. It was examined from the study that members of SHGs have been empowered after availing micro finance and their skills are improved by getting the training programme.
[G. Bhoopathy and D. Sasikala Devi. (2016); A STUDY ON ROLE OF MICRO FINANCE IN WOMEN EMPOWERMENT. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 4 (Jul). 1105-1110] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com