16Jun 2020


  • Regional Sericultural Research Station, Central Silk Board, Gov. of India, Salem-636017, Tamil Nadu, India.
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The available nutrient status of surface layer (0-30 cm) soils of mulberry gardens of Erode, Krishnagiri, Namakkal, Dharmapuri and Salem districts of Tamil Nadu were evaluated. Samples were collected and analyzed for 12 chemical properties. Of the 1250 soil samples tested, 100 % fell under the alkaline pH category (>8.2) and normal in Electical Conductivity (0.125 - 0.273mmhos/cm). Organic carbon content was low in 80 % of the soils (<0.5 %) and 20 % fell under a high range (>1.0 %). 80% and 20% of the samples were found moderately high (270-550 kg/ha) and high (>550 kg/ha) in available nitrogen. Available phosphorus (P2O5) were low (<22 kg P2O5 / ha.) in 40 % and medium (22-55 kg P2O5 /ha.) in 60 % of the samples. Similarly, available potassium (K2O) content was moderately high in 60 % (240-300 kg K2O/ha.) and high in 40 % (> 300 kg K2O/ha) of the samples. Available sulphur were low (< 10ppm) in 20 % and medium (>15 ppm) in 80 % of the samples. While DTPA extractable micronutrients were found in low to sufficient category such as Mn low in 40% (<4ppm) and sufficient in 60% (>4ppm) of the soil samples, B found low in 80% (<0.5ppm) and sufficient in 20% (> 0.5-1.0ppm) of the samples. 60% and 40% of the samples found as sufficient (> 2.5 ppm) to low in Fe (< 2.5 ppm). 100 % of the soil samples deficient (< 2.0 ppm) and sufficient (> 0.2 ppm) in available Zn and Cu content in five major mulberry cultivated districts of Tamil Nadu. Hence, maintenance of optimum level of organic carbon content in the soil through application of optimum quantities of organic manures is recommended. Use of S containing fertilizers and FYM, green manuring is suggested to reduce the pH. 

[N. Dhahira Beevi and M. Devamani (2020); SOIL FERTILITY STATUS OF FIVE MAJOR MULBERRY CULTIVATED DISTRICTS IN TAMIL NADU Int. J. of Adv. Res. 8 (Jun). 584-588] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

N. Dhahira Beevi
Regional Sericultural Research Station, Central Silk Board, Gov. of India,


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/11134      
DOI URL: https://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/11134