15Nov 2019


  • Assistant Professor, MJF College of Ayurveda, Harota, Chomu, Jaipur (Raj.) 303702
  • Assistant Professor, P.G. Dept. of Swasthavritta and Yoga, NIA, Jaipur (Raj.) 302002
  • Associate Professor, P.G. Dept. of Swasthavritta and Yoga, NIA, Jaipur (Raj.) 302002
  • Abstract
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Klaibya is a multi-factorial condition, mainly involving Bahu Doshavastha as a whole and Sukrakhsaya in specific, Mano Dosa, and Sukravaha Sroto Dusti. The term Klaibya is known as Erectile dysfunction (E.D.) in modern texts. The male sexual dysfunction includes all sorts of disturbances of coital performance and sexual congress in male. Among the various phases of sexual response the most essential is the intercourse, the absence of which ends into failure and dissatisfaction. Main aim of present study was to comparatively assess the efficacy of Amalaka Yoga and Ashwini Mudra in the patients of Klaibya. For the above purpose 60 patients were selected and randomly divided into two groups, each group had been 30 patients. It can be concluded that the Klaibya can be better managed by administration of Ashwini Mudra.

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  2. Sushruta, Sushruta Samhita,edited with Ayurveda Tatva Sandipika hindi commentary, Kaviraja Ambikadutta Shastri, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi,? Part I, Year of reprint 2010, Chikitsa sthana 26/24, Pg. No. 149
  3. Gherand, Gherand Samhita edited with Raghaviya Hindi commentary, Dr. Raghavendra Sharma Chaukhambha Sanskrit Pratishthan, Delhi, Year of print 2004, Chapter 3/82-83, Pg. No. 49
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  5. Bhavamishra, Bhavaprakash, edited with vidyoniti Hindi commentary by Pandit Shree Brahma Sankara Mishra, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Bhawan, Varanasi, Edition 12, Year of Reprint 2016, Dugadhavarga /7-8 Pg. No. 906
  6. Bhavamishra, Bhavaprakash, edited with vidyoniti Hindi commentary by Pandit Shree Brahma Sankara Mishra, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Bhawan, Varanasi, Edition 12, Year of Reprint 2016, Ghritavarga /4-6 Pg. No. 922
  7. Bhavamishra, Bhavaprakash, edited with vidyoniti Hindi commentary by Pandit Shree Brahma Sankara Mishra,? Chaukhambha Sanskrit Bhawan, Varanasi, Edition 12, Year of Reprint 2016, Ikshuvarga /30 Pg. No. 943
  8. Bhavamishra, Bhavaprakash, edited with vidyoniti Hindi commentary by Pandit Shree Brahma Sankara Mishra, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Bhawan, Varanasi, Edition 12, Year of Reprint 2016, Maduvarga /2-5 Pg. No. 935.

[Sudesh Kumar Bhambu, Priyanka Firoda, Sarvesh Kumar Agrawal and Durgawati Devi (2019); A COMPARATIVE CLINICAL STUDY ON EFFICACY OF AMALAKA YOGA AND ASHWINI MUDRA IN KLAIBYA Int. J. of Adv. Res. 7 (Nov). 687-692] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Dr. Sudesh Kumar Bhambu
Assistant Professor, MJF College of Ayurveda, Harota, Chomu, Jaipur (Raj.) 303702


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/10059      
DOI URL: https://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/10059