- laboratory of pharmacodynamics and experimental physiopathology (l2pe) of the faculty of science and technology, marien university ngouabi.
- laboratory of biochemistry and pharmacology, faculty of health sciences, marien university ngouabi.
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This work aims to evaluate the antidiabetic and wounds healing activities of the leaves extract of Ecliptaprostrata. Antidiabetic activity was evaluated respectively in normal and hyperglycemic rats by overdose of glucose 10% at 3g/kg orally and, in the rat made diabetic of type II by intravenous injection of the streptozotocine 45mg/kg. The wound healing activity was evaluated by incision of approximately 1cm2 on the beforehand shaven back of rat.The obtained results revealed that the aqueous extract (200, 400 and 800 mg/kg) descrease significantly the peak of glycemia compared to the obtained with distilled water in the rats, 30 min after the overdose of glucose. This decrease continues until the 5th hour and, the extract effect occurs at different hours according to the doses. In the same way, the ointment A and B, respectively with aqueous and hydro-ethanolic extract added with vaselin, significantly reduce the wounds diameters. The wounds were completely healed after 14 day by the ointment against 18 day for vaselin and cicatryl. These results justify the use of E. prostratain traditional medicine against diabetes and wounds.
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[Ampa Raoul, Morabandza Cyr Jonas, Samba Matoko Christevy Rommelle, Elion Itou De Garde Romaric, Diatewa Martin and Abena Ange Antoine. (2018); ANTIDIABETIC AND WOUNDS HEALING ACTIVITIES OF ECLIPTA PROSTRATA (ASTERACEAE) LEAVES. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 6 (Dec). 393-398] (ISSN 2320-5407).
Laboratory of Pharmacodynamics and Experimental Physiopathology (L2PE) of the Faculty of Science and Technology, Marien University NGOUABI.