22Nov 2018


  • Faculty of Unani and Ayurvedic Medicine, Department of Unani Medicine, Hamdard University Bangladesh.
  • Hamdard City of Science, Education & Culture, Gazaria, Munshiganj-1510, Bangladesh.
  • HamdardGıda, İthalat, İhracatveDısTicaret Ltd. SirketiG?neşliBağlarMah. KocmanCaddesi, GulSokak No: 27, K: 3 Bagcılar ? Istanbul, Turkey.
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Ancient Greek civilization is one of the oldest civilizations in the history of time. Present modern civilization is grateful to Greek contribution in different sector especially in medical science. Their mythology and knowledge of medical practice keep profound contribution to medical science e.g. Rod of Hermes or Caduceus (the rod has two snakes entwined in opposite directions) have adopted by US Army Medical corps and several medical organization throughout the world which represent healing, wisdom and rejuvenation. Rod of Asclepius is the logo of the World Health Organization, American Medical Association, Emergency medical care where the snake and staff in the center of the symbol etc. Similarly the word Hygiene came from Hygieia who was a Greek goddess of health and associated with the prevention of sickness and the continuation of good health. The bowl of Hygieia, a bowl with serpent entwined is the symbol of Pharmacy. The goddess Panacea was said to have a poultice or potion which brought about the concept of the Panacea in medicine. Hippocrates is associated with two historical titles: the father of medicine and the Hippocratic Oath. The Hippocratic Oath is an oath historically taken by doctors swearing to practice medicine ethically. Aristotelian virtue theory provides a practice-based focus for health care and Pythagorean Theorem is widely used in medical imaging. Galen is best known as the most influential exponent of the ancient world?s cumbersome medical doctrines?especially humoral theory and for many subtle anatomical discoveries. In this paper, a brief history, mythology and contribution of Greek civilization have been discussed for students, researchers as well as philosopher to further learning and implementing to their respective fields.

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[Mohammad Abu Taher, Md. Abdul Mannan and Md. ShahinoorRahman Dulal. (2018); CONTRIBUTION OF GREEK MYTHOLOGY AND CIVILIZATION ON MEDICAL SCIENCE- A BRIEF ANALYSIS. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 6 (Nov). 1095-1102] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Mohammad Abu Taher
Department of Unani Medicine, Faculty of Unani and Ayurvedic Medicine, Hamdard University Bangladesh


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/8098      
DOI URL: https://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/8098