- Tekirdag Namik Kemal University, Faculty of Agricultural, Field Crops Department.
- Trakya University, Faculty of Science, Biology Department.
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In this research was to determine the morphological characteristics and forage yield of some vetch genotypes gathered from flora of Thrace Region of Turkey. Seventy four vetch genotypes consists Vicia hybrida L., V. pannonica Crantz., V. sativa L., V. villosa Roth., V. narbonensis L., V. lutea L., V. peregrina L., V. lathyroides L., and V. grandiflora Scop. species were used as the material. The field experiment was carried out in the 2015-2016 growing season at field experimental area of Tekirdag Nam?k Kemal University, Agricultural Faculty, Field Crops Department in Tekirdag/Turkey. Plant height, stem diameter, leaflet length and width, fresh and dry forage yield of vetch genotypes were measured. Plant height, stem diameter, leaflet length, leaflet width, fresh forage yield and dry forage yield have significant (P<0.01) differences between vetch genotypes. Plant height, stem diameter, leaflet length, leaflet width, fresh forage yield and dry forage yield of vetch genotypes ranged among 14,0 - 129,0 cm, 1,20 - 4,27 mm, 5,66 - 52,5 mm, 1,10 - 11,4 mm, 6,56 - 360,77 g/plant and 2,67 - 120,22 g/plant, respectively. As a result, vetch genotypes have a wide variation in plant height, stem diameter, leaflet width and height, and fresh and dry forage yield. Vetch genotypes with this wide variation can be used as material in vetch breeding researches.
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[Alp Kayahan Demirkan, Ilker Nizam, Adnan Orak, Canan Sen, Hazm Serkan Tenikecier, Necmettin Guler and Huseyin Ersoy. (2018); DETERMINATION OF SOME MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERS AND FORAGE YIELD OF VETCH (Vicia sp.) GENOTYPES COLLECTED FROM THRACE REGION OF TURKEY. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 6 (Nov). 276-283] (ISSN 2320-5407).
Tekirdag Namik Kemal University,Faculty of Agricultural,Field Crops Department