- DBA coordinator,Funda??o Getulio Vargas, Brazil.
- LLM Practitioner, Funda??o Getulio Vargas, Brazil.
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On October 28, 2018, the far-right candidate, Jair Messias Bolsonaro was officially declared the winner of the race to Brazilian Presidency 2018. In one of the most controversial and fiercely disputed elections, over 147 million voters have chosen their representatives for the next four-eight years term (eight years for senators). The winner, Bolsonaro, survived after being stabbed in the middle of his campaign, on September 6. Haddad, looser, represented the former president Lula da Silva, convicted and sentenced to 12-years imprisonment for passive corruption and money laundering, who was coordinating the campaign from jail. Evidence suggested a divided country. Nevertheless, the Congress emerged renewed, and the far-left defeated in the majority of states. Moreover, political differences were pacifically solved through the vote. Therefore, in this article, facts and figures were investigated on general election 2018. From paper-based to electronic suffrage, we analyzed its outcomes since 1989. It took only two hours to sum up all votes, in contrast with past elections, where the counting could take several days. Current facts and figures are analyzed in this single case study. Finally, recommendations for future research complete the present work.
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[Dr. Murillo de Oliveira Dias and Andre Teles, LLM. (2018); GENERAL ELECTIONS 2018 IN BRAZIL: IS DEMOCRACY RESTORED? Int. J. of Adv. Res. 6 (Oct). 1253-1264] (ISSN 2320-5407).
Fundação Getulio Vargas, Brazil