02Mar 2018


  • Ph.D Faculty of the College of Business Administration of Divine Word College of Vigan.
  • Ed.D, Faculty of the College of Teachers Education of Divine Word College of Vigan.
  • MA, Faculty of the College of the Religious Education of Divine Word College of Vigan.
  • MAME, Faculty of the College of Teachers Education of Divine Word College of Vigan.
  • Ed.D, Faculty of the College of Teachers Education of Divine Word College of Vigan.
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The study was to determine the relationship between religious self-regulation of students and their attendance on Sunday Eucharistic celebration using the concept of extrinsic motivation in terms of religious identified self-regulation and religious introjected self-regulation. The study used descriptive research design and explanation research. In order to carry out the study, questionnaires were used and adapted from SRQ_R (self-regulation Questionnaires: Religious) made by SDT or self-Determination Theory (n.d) and Ryan, Rigby, & King, (1993). The respondents of the study were 490 Senior High School students from Ilocos Region, Philippines. The study found that religious identified self-regulation and religious introjected self-regulation is high. However, taken as a whole, there was no correlation between religious self-regulation and attendance on Sunday Eucharistic celebration. But taking it singly, there is a correlation between religious identified self-regulation and attendance on Sunday Eucharistic celebration.

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[Damianus Abun, Theogenia Magallanes, Jecel Mansueto, Fredrick Agoot and Jean R. Barroga. (2018); RELIGIOUS SELF-REGULATION OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS OF CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOLS IN ILOCOS REGION, PHILIPPINES AND THEIR SUNDAY EUCHARISTIC CELEBRATION ATTENDANCE. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 6 (Mar). 110-124] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Damianus Abun
Faculty of the College of Religious and Business Administration of Divine Word College of Vigan, Ilocos Sur, Philippines


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/6656      
DOI URL: https://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/6656