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The objective of this research is to increase the fine motor skills of children. The method used in the learning process is more likely using conventional methods. The use of constructive play method with clay media in this research is expected to make children motivated and interested to learn and can stimulate their. Therefore, this study aims to fine out the description of fine motor skill of children which was given a treatment in the form of constructive play method implementation with clay media towards children fine motor skills. The type of research used is Quasi Experiment. The population in this study were all of 11 children for experimental group and group 11 children for control group. The data collection techniques used are test observation techniques. The data analysis techniques used are statistical descriptive and nonparametric statistical analysis. Based on Wilcoxon test results, as shown in the attachment, obtained arithmatic = 66 with price of t_ (table =) 11 and dk = 11 level and significance level is 0.05. So if compared the value of t_count = 66> the value of t_ (table =) 11. This data shows a significant difference between the two groups tested.
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[Nirwana, Laila Maharani and Miftahul Jannah. (2018); THE EFFECT OF CONSTRUCTIVE PLAY WITH CLAY MEDIA TOWARDS FINE MOTOR SKILL OF CHILDREN Int. J. of Adv. Res. 6 (Mar). 87-94] (ISSN 2320-5407).