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This study aims at exhibiting prospective biology teachers? perspectives of reward and punishment in education. The study group was composed of 99 pre-service biology teachers attending the Biology Education Department of Hacettepe University in the 2015-2016 academic year. The participants were given a semi-structured questionnaire form containing the statements ?reward/punishment in education is just like?. because?.?, and ?a teacher giving reward/punishment in education is just like?. because?.? The participants were also asked to answer the question ?what three things does reward/punishment in education remind you of?? The technique of content analysis was employed in this study in analysing the data obtained. The data were analysed through MAXQDA12 - a program for qualitative data analysis - and then were interpreted. Accordingly, students perceive reward in education as a positive element whereas they perceive punishment as a negative element.
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[H?lya Pehlivan and Pınar K?seoğlu. (2017); STUDENTS? METAPHORICAL PERCEPTIONS RELATED TO REWARD AND PUNISHMENT IN EDUCATION. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (Sep). 60-69] (ISSN 2320-5407).
Hacettepe University