10Aug 2017


  • English Department, Most?fa Benboula?d Batna-2 University, Algeria.
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Cross-World cultural studies refer to the complexity and the diversity of language and ethnic identity. Language and its culture are a complex, multidimensional construct that can be studied on several levels: international, national, regional, and organizational (Shachaf, 2008). According to Norton (1997), ?an investment in the target language is also an investment in a learner?s own social identity, which changes across time and space? (p.410). Indeed, understanding concepts like identity and culture cannot be solely achieved through tracing back their origin in past historical events and archives. Next to these useful sources of information, one has to critically look into how pre-established truths have been deliberately used as subversions to alienate and acculturate linguistic and ethnic identities (Laroche, Kim and Hui, 1997). This is how fake cultural identities have been pre-fabricated and deep harmful conflicts and contradictions have been created to weaken the personality of the individual and to corrupt the social collective identity. This was the case in many countries like the USA, Canada, and Australia. Algeria is no exception. Our paper seeks not only to highlight ambiguous concepts, but to attempt to come face-to-face with our realities, as well. Furthermore, we strongly believe that it is high time for all Algerians to know who they are and what they are to live together as one people, one nation, in one country as patriots of different origins, but on the top of all as Algerians first. This might be a sound and pertinent far-reaching aim.

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[Djelloul Nedjai (2017); AN ANALYTICAL ACCOUNT OF CHAOUI IDENTITY. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (Aug). 245-249] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com



Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/5057      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/5057