26Jul 2017


  • Ph.D Scholar, Dept. of Home Science, Gandhigram Rural Institute-Gandhigram.
  • Professor, Dept. of Home Science, Gandhigram Rural Institute-Gandhigram.
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Women constitute almost half of the total population in India but they are not enjoying their freedoms, equalities, privileges, on part with their male counterparts. Since implementation of planning in India, several policies and approaches were made to reduce inequalities between women and men. As a result a shift from ?welfare? to ?development? to ?empowerment? to ?human development? approaches has taken place to change the position and status of women. The status of women in India is a matter of serious concern. The violence and crime against women has been ever on increase, since independence. And so has been the perpetuation of structural and cultural inequality practiced in various forms despite the consti-tutional and legal guarantees aimed at equality and against discrimination in any form. This paper investigate - whether the Women?s in Kerala are having same status and rights as we are claiming regarding Equality , Education , Health , Labour , Employment , Marriage and Family life. It gives importance on the position of women in various fields like family life, social life and work situation. It highlights on literacy level of women, Health status of women, and women?s role in decision making. This paper also gives emphasis on number of women in total workforce and their wage rates. Women in Kerala are a valuable, healthy and educated resource; and can contribute effectively in all aspects of development of the state. An attitudinal change can be brought about by highlighting successful endeavours of women and by providing support systems for the multiple tasks they take up.

  1. Human Development Reports. (2014 and 2015). United Nations Development Programme, (UNDP), New York.
  2. Census of India, 2001 and 2011, Primary Census abstract.
  3. Kerala State Mission Authority Report (2014). Government of Kerala, Thiruvanthapuram
  4. Kerala State Directorate of Health Services Report.( 2014), Government of Kerala, Thiruvanthapuram
  5. NSSO Report, 68th Round, Department of Statistics, Government of India, New Delhi.
  6. Ministry of Labour and Employment Report. (2014), Government of India, New Delhi.
  7. Economic Review. (2010), State Planning Board, Government of Kerala, Thiruvanthapuram.
  8. Economic Review. (2011), State Planning Board, Government of Kerala, Thiruvanthapuram.
  9. Economic Review. (2012), State Planning Board, Government of Kerala, Thiruvanthapuram.
  10. Economic Review. (2013), State Planning Board, Government of Kerala, Thiruvanthapuram.

[Saravana Selvi C and K. S. Pushpa. (2017); STATUS OF WOMEN IN KERALA. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (Jul). 1726-1732] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com



Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/4892      
DOI URL: https://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/4892