- Research team of Chemistry bioactive moleculesand the environment, University Moulay Ismail, Faculty of Sciences, BP 11201. Zitoune, Mekn?s, Morocco.
- Laboratory Trans Cell Lab, Faculty of Medicine Xavier Bichat 16, rue Henri Huchard, BP 416, 75870 Paris.
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An ethnobotanical study of aromatic and medicinal plants was carried out in Masmouda mountainous area (Ouazzane province). The aim of this study was to identify therapeutic usages of the most used species of this region. After confrontation of collected data by interviewing local people, syntheses allowed us to exploit this popular know?how. Then, monography of three selected species, namely Satureja nepeta, Myrtus communis and Pistacia lentiscus, was established as a contribution to save this orally transmitted knowledge. Based on testimony of 100 interviewees, this survey revealed that medicinal and aromatic plants (MAP) are used by 91% of the interviewees among them illiterate people (70%) were the most depicted. It also revealed that these plants are most of the time used by men (52%) older than 50. According to the majority of interviewees, plants leaves are the most used organ and decoction is the preparation way generally used. The study also showed importance of phytotherapy to Masmouda?s people. This population exploits the three species for many therapeutic purposes in the following order: Satureja nepeta is the most used (75 %) then, follows Myrtus communis (58 %) and Pistacia lentiscus ranks third (48 %). Results provided by this study constitute a data basis for our further researches in phytochemistry and pharmacology with the aim to discover new bioactive and natural substances. Valorization of these results through pharmacology and industrial fields could ensure improvement of traditional medicine to a modern one and a renovated pharmacopeia.
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Research team of Chemistry bioactive molecules and the environment, University Moulay Ismail, Faculty of Sciences, BP 11201. Zitoune, Meknès, Morocco.