25Apr 2017


  • Professor Assistant- Department of English- Faculty of Basic Education-Sulaimaniya University.
  • Lecturer- Department of English- Cihan University- Sulaimaniya.
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The current study is an empirical investigation of the use of adjectives in the poem Auto Wreck by Karl Shapiro. The paper attempts at illustrating how adjectives are exploited by the poet so as to achieve various literary purposes including signifying the theme, depicting the main events and creating a sense of attraction and suspension in the readers' minds. The use of adjectives is significant in fulfilling such purposes clearly and efficiently. They represent the linguistic forms and the literary meaning to be conveyed throughout the entire poem. The paper reveals that using adjectives is a stylistic tendency used by Shapiro to achieve his literary purposes in showing the theme of the poem and to a large extent showing necessary and relevant details.

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[Hoshang Farooq Jawad and Mukhalad Malik Yosif. (2017); A STYLISTIC STUDY OF THE USE OF ADJECTIVES IN SHAPIRO'S ?AUTO WRECK? Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (Apr). 1664-1668] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

1.Dr. Hoshang Farooq Jawad 2. Dr. Mukhalad Malik Yosif,
1. Professor Assistant- Department of English- Faculty of Basic Education- Sulaimaniya University. 2.2. Lecturer- Department of English- Cihan University- Sulaimaniya.


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/3995      
DOI URL: https://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/3995