22Apr 2017


  • Assistant Professor in Philosophy, Utkal University, Vani Vihar.
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In contemporary times, ?abortion? is one of the important dilemmas confronting to human society. It is a dilemma from which we cannot escape, and to which we have a collective responsibility to address. All dilemmas have two alternatives, and to choose one over the other can be a very difficult choice for any person. Even though there might not always be a ?solution? which can be universally applied, we have to decide what ought to be done in various situations. Human beings are responsible for their actions and morality depends on human actions. But morality does not exist in a vacuum, and what defines morality varies from situation to situation. So in decision-making, there is a place of the ?virtue of prudence?. Most of us try to take the best decision possible in a particular situation. It is therefore important for individuals to practice prudence. Each individual should know the criteria of what exactly defines ?prudent? behavior, what the grounds for good human action are, and what actions are morally justifiable. In this regard, I shall analyze Philippa Foot?s suggestions vis-?-vis the debate of abortion. In this Paper I have two Sections. In the first section I am discussing the various moral issues on abortion and I begin in section II by discussing a speculative framework of choice that outlines the ways and give an exposition of the value of prudence which is used in this area and also offer some suggestions for changing the existing legal, social, and political scenery to better respect the capacity of all women for reproductive self-determination. I also briefly discuss the implications of my analysis for the future of the broader abortion debate.

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[Kabita Das. (2017); ON ABORTION: SPONTANEOUS AND INDUCED. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (Apr). 20-26] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com



Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/3777      
DOI URL: https://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/3777