28Feb 2017


  • MBA Students, Symbiosis International University.
  • Associate Professor - OB & HRM, Symbiosis International University.
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Persistent and effective talent is a prerequisiteforfacing the tremendous challenges posed by the ever evolving and competitive business environment.While the companies are being pushed to innovate in regards to its recruitment strategies on one hand, the budgets to do the same continue to be snipped. Thus, companies have been seen to resort to use of information technology as a medium to source, select, recruit and place its candidates. The use of IT in recruitment is not only an economically feasible alternative but is also found to be a viable option in regards to its time effectiveness. The objective of this paper has been to primarily understand the transformation which has taken place in regards to recruitment initiatives of corporates in general and IT firms in particular. Further, the focus of the study has been to gain relevant insights pertaining to the current status of technology adoption in the recruitment domain of IT firms. The significant findings from the study were that there has been a definite shift in Human Resource Management architecture. It has witnessed a thoroughchangeover from being merely an administrative job to today contributing towards the strategic business objectives of the firm. The adoption of information technology has reduced the overall workload of HR personnel thereby enabling them to redirect their energies towards tactical decision making. Firms have been seen shifting towards adoption of E-recruitment drives in order to differentiate their market standing in regards to the available talent pool. Even though organizations continue to witness certain resentment in terms of completely adapting to system based HR functions, stakeholders at different levels are slowly realizing the value add due to such an initiative and are thus effectively contributing towards smoother transition of the same.

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[Bandana Preet Kaur Jolly, Ridhima Bhatia and Jaya Chitranshi. (2017); EVOLVING DYNAMICS OF RECRUITMENT FUNCTION IN IT INDUSTRY: EMPHASIS ON THE ROLE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (Feb). 2009-2018] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Bandana Preet Kaur Jolly


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/3372      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/3372