18Feb 2017


  • MA English Language and Applied Linguistics (ELAL).
  • Assistant Lecturer at the department of English Language, Cihan University – Sulaimanyah.
  • Abstract
  • Keywords
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Keywords analysis is one of the important methods in corpus linguistics. It has the privilege to analyse texts/corpora in terms of statistical significance, by comparing two or more texts/corpora. This study regarded the keywords that are notable statistically in Dickens’ ‘A tale of two cities’ using Laurence Anthony’s AntConc tools. It aimed to find out a number of keywords of the mentioned Victorian novel (the node) compared with 35 Victorian novels (as a reference corpus). This study briefly shows and discusses a number of keywords of this novel as well as showing the limitations of this method of analysis. Quantitative and qualitative approaches are used; the quantitative analysis is by Laurence Anthony’s AntConc. concordancer whereas the qualitative analysis would be individual. Log-likelihood method, significant keywords as well as a number of negative keywords are selected and analysed.

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  14. The Project Gutenberg EBook of A Tale of Two Cities, by Charles Dickenshttp://www.gutenberg.org/

[Mustafa Khalid Saleh Al-Rawi. (2017); USING ANTCONC: A CORPUS-BASED TOOL, TO INVESTIGATE AND ANALYSE THE KEYWORDS IN DICKENS’ NOVEL ‘A TALE OF TWO CITIES’. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (Feb). 366-372] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Mr. Mustafa Khalid Saleh Al-Rawi
Assistant Lecturer at the department of English Language/ Cihan University – Sulaimanyah – Kurdistan region - Iraq


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/3158      
DOI URL: https://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/3158