18Feb 2017


  • Assistant Lecturer, Department of Architectural Engineering. Cihan University- Sulaimaniya.
  • Assistant Lecturer, Department of Architectural Engineering. Mosul University.
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Nowadays, the concept of sense of place and place attachment are threatened by new developments, urban interventions, poor design and erosion in streets of towns and cities. These threatens lead to the loss of the character of city centers. There is no doubt that the sense of place and place attachment can be created by street attributes. Thus, this paper attempts to review the attributes of city center streets that contribute in influencing sense of place and place attachment. The study postulates this question: what are the street attributes that have influences on the sense of place and place attachment? The study aims at establishing the theoretical framework of street attributes in terms of creating sense of place and place attachment. The study reveals that streets have two types of characteristics, physical and functional. These characteristics can create and enhance street attributes that include vitality, diversity, transaction, accessiblity, legibility, distinctiveness, comfort, and safety and security in terms of making place attachment, besides commerce, cultural value, social value, movement, accessibility, legibility, recognition, sense of comfort, and sense of safety in terms of making sense of place.

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[Musaab Sami Al-Obeidy and Rawia Marwan Dabdoob. (2017); REVIEWING ON STREET ATTRIBUTES IN INFLUENCING SENSE OF PLACE AND PLACE ATTACHMENT. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (Feb). 356-365] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Musaab Sami Al-Obeidy
Department of Architectural Engineering. Cihan University- Sulaimaniya


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/3157      
DOI URL: https://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/3157