31Jan 2017


  • Postgraduate Program Doctor Students of Animal Husbandry, Brawijaya University.
  • Lecturer of Animal Husbandry, Brawijaya University.
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The objective of this research was to analyze the sustainability status of the dimensions of economy, ecology, technology, and society, as well as organization in the integrated system of beef cattle breeding and crop farming in Jember Regency of East Java. Some analyses were included in this research, such as Analysis of Cost and Income, Analysis of Linear Programming, Analysis of Averagely Differential Rate (t-test), and Analysis of Sustainability. Result of research showed several findings. (1) The contribution of beef cattle breeding to the income of farmers/breeders was 8.18% but it was still smaller than the contribution of soybean farming with 31.13%, corn with 27.59%, and rice with 33.10%. In average, the cost for cattle feed was spent for Rp.2,575,000.- Workers who must look for greens, provide drinks to the cattle, clean the stall, and others, were valued as Rp.1,350,000.-. The biggest component of the cost in breeding work was the price of the calf that averagely reached Rp.8,000,000.-. The sale price of the harvested calf could attain Rp.16,250,000.-. The income rate of breeding work was then around Rp.3,482,000.-. (2) Integration betwen beef cattle breeding and crop farming at research area could be made into optimum under several conditions. Soybean was planted at 5.381 Ha land. Both corn and rice were planted at 6.667 Ha land. The maintained cattle should be 21 heads. The use of crop seed must be reduced, precisely 269 kg for soybean, 269 kg for corn, and 333 kg for rice. The use of Urea and organic fertilizers during Rainy Season I could be suppressed into the range between 1,849 kg and 3,333 kg. In other hand, the capital that needed to prepare for each planting season might be reduced to Rp.83,373,340.- ; Rp.109,840,000.- dan Rp.87,426,666.-. (3) If the optimum condition could be attained by farmers/breeders, then farmers’ income in the research area would improve to Rp.531,085,000.- per year. This increment was very significant if compared to the actual condition of farmers’ income, that reaching at Rp.486,553,100,-. Therefore, the implementation of optimal condition scenario was very recommended to be applied at research area. (4) The model of the optimization and sustainability of agribusiness with the integration system between beef cattle breeding and crop farming was important as cornerstone in formulating the policies for the favor of breeders. The policies kept breeders to apply sustainable integration system. The combination of five dimensions of sustainability was used to measure the sustainability of agribusiness that involved the integration system between beef cattle breeding and crop farming. In whole, based on five dimensions of sustainability, then the agribusiness work with integration system between beef cattle breeding and crop farming at research area had the sustainability index rate of 42.40. This index showed that agribusiness work was less sustainable. Dimension with the worst sustainability index, and must be seriously attended, included the dimension of technology and infrastructure, and also the dimension of law and organization.

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[Nantil B.E.S, Zaenal Fanani, Hari Dwi Utami and Moch Nasich. (2017); INTEGRATION OF BEEF CATTLE BREEDING WITH CROP FARMING AT SUSTAINABLE RICEFIELD IN JEMBER REGENCY, EAST JAVA Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (Jan). 2492-2503] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com



Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/3036      
DOI URL: https://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/3036