20Jan 2017


  • Faculty of computer science, Cihan university, sulaimaniya Kurdistan, Iraq.
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This paper, proposes a new Secure Cloud Data as an enhancement for the framework model in data security and cloud storage model by integrating the dual system encryption technology with selective proof technique. While the introduced scheme supporting any standard access structures is built in the composite structure bilinear group, it is verified adaptively CCA secure in the standard technique without threatening the expressiveness of access policy. In this paper, we attempt in addition to make an enhancement for the model to obtain more efficiency in the re-encryption key generation and re-encryption phases. Proxy Re-Encryption (PRE) is an effective cryptographic essential model that permits a data owner to nominee the access rights of the encrypted data which are stored on a cloud storage system to remaining entities without leaking the information of the data to the honest-but-curious cloud server. It implements the effectiveness for data sharing as the data owner even working with limited resource devices (e.g. mobile devices) can offload most of the computational activity to the cloud. Since its establishment many variants of PRE have been recommended and proposed. SecRBAC Based Proxy Re-Encryption (SecRBAC -ABPRE), which is observed as a regular approach for PRE, engages the PRE technology in the attribute-based encryption cryptographic framework as like that the proxy is granted to make change an encryption down an access policy to another encryption under a new access policy. CP-ABPRE is suitable to numerous real time network appliances, like sharing secure data in the network or cloud applications.

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Sadeer Dheyaa Abdulameer
Faculty of computer science, Cihan university / sulaimaniya Kurdistan / Iraq


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/2911      
DOI URL: https://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/2911