20Dec 2016


  • Department of medicine, faculty of medicine, Taif university, Saudi Arabia.
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Background: In children, tonsillar disease is one of the common causes of primary care visit to physicians and the choice of treatment is often tonsillectomy. Objective: The research aimed to find out the difference of the immunity in children before and after tonsillectomy in Taif city. Method: A cross sectional study by random sample on children from Taif city. The questionnaire identifies knowledge of the leading causes of tonsillitis and methods of treatment and the reasons leading to the tonsillectomy. All data has been statistically analysis to specify a recommended answer. The answers were scored; frequencies and percentages were used for describing data. Chi-square test and a P value of (0.05) were used to determine the significant association between the participants' variables. Result : The highest percentage of children with tonsillitis are in the age group (6-9) years old in percent of 35 % , the recurrence of tonsillitis for 4-6 times or up than six and it's long duration is the most common causes of tonsillectomy, 91.4% of parents feel that the surgery was good and have a clear influence on their children's health. Conclusion: Participants had poor knowledge about the effect of tonsillectomy on children's immunity, the tonsillectomy reducing the frequency and severity of sore throats, and does not get rid of sore throats altogether.

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[Aljuaid A. Aljwharah, Almalki S. Mona, Alalawi M. Samaher and Alotaibi H. Shog. (2016); EFFECT OF TONSILLECTOMY ON CHILDREN’S GENERAL HEALTH. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 4 (Dec). 2456-2475] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Aljwharah A. Aljuaid
Medical intern , Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Taif University, Saudi Arabia


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/2671      
DOI URL: https://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/2671