20Dec 2016


  • Community medicine department, faculty of medicine, Northern Border University, Arar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • Intern, faculty of medicine, Northern Border University, Arar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • Intern, faculty of medicine, King Khaled University, Abha, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • Final year, faculty of medicine, Northern Border University, Arar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • Abstract
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It now appears that, in most obese patients, obesity is associated with a low-grade inflammation of white adipose tissue (WAT) resulting from chronic activation of the innate immune system.Excess fat is thought to stimulate white blood cells (WBC) that produce inflammatory molecules as a part of the normal immune response upon injury or infection. Obese adipose tissue mainly releases pro-inflammatory cytokines among which are TNF-?, IL-6, leptin, visfatin, resistin, angiotensin II, and plasminogen activator inhibitor 1. Regarding the complement system, in spite of the strong associations of C3 with obesity and metabolic syndrome, the underlying mechanisms remain unexplained. AT biology can be influenced by a variety of complement components. As the common factor linking adipose tissue to the metabolic context of obesity, insulin resistance and atherosclerosis are associated with a low-grade chronic inflammatory status, to which the complement system is an important contributor. Conclusion:- There are inflammatory and immune system responses in overweight and obese individuals offer unique opportunities for intervention strategies to help ameliorate the risk of obesity-associated disease such as hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus.

[Nagah Mohamed Abo el-Fetoh, AbeerMohmmad Aodh, ZainabFarhan Alanazi, MaramAwied Alenezi, MadihahNafea Alruwaili, RawanSaeed Alghamdi, Hadil Mohammad Alsarawi, Ali Ghannam Almuhawwis. (2016); RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN OBESITY AND IMMUNE SYSTEM A REVIEW ARTICLE Int. J. of Adv. Res. 4 (Dec). 23-29] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Nagah Mohamed Abo El-Fetoh


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/2359      
DOI URL: https://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/2359