30Sep 2016

Analysis of Smallholder Farmer’s Adoption and ContinuedApplication of Teff Row Planting Technique inWolaita Zone, Southern Ethiopia.

  • Wolaita Sodo University, College of Business and Economics, Ethiopia.
  • Wolaita Sodo University, College of Natural and Computational Sciences, Ethiopia.
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Ethiopian economy continued to be leaded by agriculture sector in which smallholder farmers in turn dominate the sector. This fact implies that if transformation of the country\'s economy is needed, transforming the smallholder sector is the base and the key. Improving and developing new farming technology is one among such transformation tools and pathways. In this regard, the latest farming strategy recommended for smallholder farmers in the country is the so called “Row Seeding.” This studywas aimedat analyzing factors determining and influencing smallholder farmer’s adoption and continuous application of teff row planting method in Wolaita zone. The study was based on survey data collected from 300 farming households and bivariate probit model was employed to analyze the issue. Household level human capital, household asset endowment, farm level institutional factors and policy variables significantly influence farmers’ decisions to adopt teff row seeding techniqueand its continued application in Wolaita zone, southern Ethiopia. Other supporting technology should be developed to ensure the sustainability of the technique in the study area.

[Geremew Kefyalew, Abdi Bedilu, Muzeyin Ahmed and Workineh Mena. (2016); Analysis of Smallholder Farmer’s Adoption and ContinuedApplication of Teff Row Planting Technique inWolaita Zone, Southern Ethiopia. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 4 (Sep). 1369-1376] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Geremew Kefyalew


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/1736      
DOI URL: https://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/1736