- Senior Resident, Department of Pathology, B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, India.
- Senior Resident, Department of Pathology, B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, India.
- Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, India.
- Professor & HOD, Department of Pathology, B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, India.
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Introduction: Body fluid cytology is an important diagnostic test for various malignant and benign conditions. Effusions can be caused by inflammatory, infectious, and benign neoplastic or malignant and primary or metastatic diseases. Such conditions in effusions may often have overlapping features and mimic one another both cytomorphologically and clinically, presenting diagnostic challenges.1
Aims and Objectives: To study tha age and gender wise distribution of cases.
To the study the incidence of neoplastic and non-neoplastic lesions.
To study the cytomorphology of neoplastic and non-neoplastic lesions.
Material and Methods: This prospective study was carried out at B.J Medical College,Ahmedabad during the period of 1stApril 2024 to 31stMay 2024 for a period of 2 months. Fluids were received in the department of cytopathology.After receiving the fluid sample, details like type of fluid, clinical diagnosis, age and gender of the patient were noted. Gross description of fluid including volume, colour, turbidity, were noted and fluid and fluid was taken up for processing in which immediately the sample was centrifuged and the sediment smear were made.Sediment smear were stained by Hematoxylene and Eosin,Pap stain and May grunwald giemsa (MGG) stains.After staining slides were mounted with DPX, screened and reported by pathologist according to The International system (TIS) for reporting serous fluid cytology 2020.
Results: Total 100 serous fluids were received in 2 months.Out of which peritoneal fluid were 65 and pleural fluid were 35. M:F ratio was 1.12. 2 % fluids were inadequate for reporting87% fluid were negative for malignancy(NFM).6% fluid were given as atypia of undetermined significance(AUS).Malignant for secondary (MAL-S) were 5%.
Conclusion: We conclude in our study that cytology is a valuable tool in evaluation of serous cavity fluids. It is relatively painless, simple, cost effective, rapid technique that yields quick and reliable results.
[Nirali Marakana, Jayshree Vaghani, Bhavesh Faldu and Hansa Goswami (2024); EXFOLIATIVE CYTOLOGY OF SEROUS FLUIDS- AN IMPORTANT AID TO PRIMARY DIAGNOSIS Int. J. of Adv. Res. (Aug). 341-345] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com